Hopefully, if you have found this site and spent any time on the subject of Darfur, you are aware that 400,000 of people - people like my friends - have died already from this crisis. This post sheds light on the numerous other victims of war and chaos - the animals. They are being caught in the murderous crossfire and famine as well, but they have no UN aid workers to try to help. Here are a series of pictures that I took in 2003 in Chad.

1. What are you looking at, mister? You baboon.

2. A pride of lions. Yes, wild lions. Yes, I took this picture. Yes, I was nervous.

3. Very majestic.

4.This one I call "pumba."

5.Elephants crossing a river at sunset. Later that evening, I got charged by a male bull elephant because I accidently strayed between him and his infant. Bad mistake.

6.Ostriches are famous for sticking their head in the sand to avoid facing a bad situation - remind you of anything? (Hint: our response to genocide)
1 comment:
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
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