Thursday, June 22, 2006

Violence spilling into Chad

Some of the most distressing news coming from Darfur in recent days is the word that the Janjaweed are carrying out regular attacks on Chadian soil. This shows that the crisis is far more than political, for the slaughter and rape has not stopped at the Chad-Sudan border but has spilled over, following the refugees. What is even more distressful to me is that the Janjaweed - the militias carrying out genocide against certain tribes - are now being aided in Chad by Chadian civilians.

This situation is continuing to spiral out of control. There is no security in Chad nor Sudan and this shows that the UN and the AU must look beyond the strict borders of Darfur to solve this crisis.

Please, they are my friends over there being raped in front of their husbands. These are real human beings, with lives and laughter and dreams just like you. Please continue to fight for their right to live in peace.

To read a Reuters report about the latest wave of Janjaweed attacks in Chad, click here.

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